Uber hack Christopher Rufo reinforces Jordan Peterson’s Bête Noire cultural Marxism, renaming it as critical racial theory and thus continuing an anti-Semitic topic



“So Columbus discovered America. We have to believe that again.” Leontura /gettyimages.com

Essentially, it depends on: Jordan Peterson, the Canadian He-Man himself who eats raw red meat, has reboiled that old piece of cabbage that he called cultural Marxism. It’s essentially an attack on that Frankfurt Schoolthe influence of what can broadly be described as the rise of cultural studies in the late 20th century in university courses in literature, film, sociology, anthropology, and politics. What the members of the Frankfurt School initiated during the Weimar Republic was the isolation of a branch of philosophy that came to be known as critical theory. (Can you already see the missing word in.? Christopher Rufois a popular rehashing now?)


Of course, Karl Marx, an economist who criticized the operations and ontology of 19th century capitalism in his key works, had a great influence on this philosophical thought movement. The founding members and most prominent members of the Frankfurt School, however, were left-wing Jewish intellectuals: Max Horkheimer (the father), Theodor W. Adorno (the son) and Walter Benjamin (the holy spirit). Then there were Erich Fromm, Friedrich Pollock and Leo Löwenthal.

One of the leading non-Jewish members was Herbert Marcuse, a philosopher who combined Marxist economics with Heidegger’s existentialism. He fled Nazi Germany because he was also a left-wing radical. (The Nazis tossed international socialists and communists into their death camps.) After World War II, the Cold War took shape in the United States as a blatant attack on the perceived threat from unrepentant left Jews. Indeed, there was a time in the United States when being a Jew and a Communist were seen as one and the same. This type of association was tolerated in the Red 30s, but not in the McCarthy 50s. With that in mind, it’s not hard to see why the only American clerks ever fried (or executed, to put it nicely) by the U.S. government were Jews Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It’s also not hard to see why Seattle’s total weirdo Christopher Rufo (and please stop contacting me on Twitter) successfully reboiled Jordan Peterson’s reboiled cabbage as a critical racial theory, which at first glance means racism in the US is systemic.

Of the New Yorker‘s latest story from Rufo:

When people got upset about the seminars, Rufo wanted them to also notice the “critical racial theory” that operates behind the curtain. On the trail back through the quotations in the texts of the legal scholars, Rufo believed that he could discover the seeds of her ideas in radical, often explicitly Marxist, critical-theoretical texts of the generation of 1968. (Crenshaw said this was a selective, “red-bait” report on the origins of Critical Racial Theory, which overlooked less divisive influences like Martin Luther King, Jr.) But Rufo believed he could see a single lineage, and that the same concepts and terms that organized discussions among whites, Seattle city officials, or the anti-racism seminars at Sandia National Laboratories were present half a century ago. “Look at Angela Davis – you see all the important terms,” ​​said Rufo. Davis had been Herbert Marcuse’s graduate student, and Rufo had read her writings from the late 1960s to the mid 1970s.

The connection between Angela Davis / Herbert Marcuse is pure Peterson. And it also recalls one of the most important descriptions of cultural Marxism that is even still in progress Wikipedia: “It is a far-right anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that claims Western Marxism as the basis of ongoing academic and intellectual efforts to undermine Western culture.”

Critical Race Theory picks up where cultural Marxism left off. It takes us straight back to the racist images of restless, European-hating Jews. It was this reading of Jewish intellectual culture that forced the Frankfurt School to flee Germany and move to New York City in the early 1930s. But now all of this bad Jewish thinking that has settled in the US has been infiltrated into the academic world through black scholars, of whom Angela Davis is the queen. This is your poisonous Rufo, a product made in Seattle.



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