83% of young city dwellers believe that compatibility and common interests are most important



Commenting on the survey results, Pawan Gupta, Founder and CEO of Better helped, “Dating in India is much more about having a series of tea or coffee get-togethers with parents. Living in a fast-paced world prompted us to conduct this survey and the results show that the process of finding a life partner has become more realistic than the traditional process.

In addition, the platform also takes into account the fate of women in Indian societies. Even in the age of modernity and women’s freedom, marriage is definitely a job if they are expected to leave home, which is the standard mechanism for women. Nobody questions it and most have no answer behind this age-old “tradition”.

Because of the repetitive practices of this custom, the idea of ​​a ‘Paraya Dhan’ and ‘Kanyadaan’ has become so ingrained in our minds that it doesn’t even look like a violation of rights. Since women grew up with these values, they are most often condemned to question the traditions and despised if they resist. In this way, all traditional beliefs and values ​​continue to rule our societies. On the contrary, it is surprising to know that over 80 percent of India’s young urban population are between 22 and 29 years old and live with their parents. Among them, the majority of men prefer to stay with their parents after marriage.



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